Publication Policy

  1. The International Yunus Emre Journal of Social Sciences has started its publication life as a “Peer-Reviewed Journal” since 2020.
  2. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. In addition, additional issues may be published as Special Issues. The publication of the Special Issue covering a specific subject is decided by the absolute majority of the Editorial Board.
  3. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
  4. If the articles are accepted for publication, the journal has all publishing rights.
  5. In case of quoting from the published articles, it is obligatory to indicate the source.
  6. In our journal, copyrighted and translated articles, criticisms, book presentations, bibliography, etc. from other fields of language, literature, folklore, history, philosophy, mysticism and other social sciences are available. studies are included.
  7. The articles are checked by the editor(s) before they come to the editorial board, whether they are written in accordance with the rules; When an incomplete and/or incorrect determination is made, it is returned to the author with a pre-evaluation form for correction. Two referees are determined by the editorial board for the articles that are corrected and returned by the author or that are determined to be written in accordance with the rules. In line with the report from the referees; it is decided to include the article in the publication file, not to include it or to request correction. The situation is reported to the author as soon as possible. If a correction is requested from the author, the correction must be made and sent to the journal within 20 days at the latest. The corrected text can be re-examined by the referees who request changes when deemed necessary. The articles included in the publication file are published in the order determined by the Editorial Board.
  8. The language of the journal is Turkish. An abstract in Turkish and English consisting of 150-200 words should be placed at the beginning of each article to be published. Keywords should consist of 3-5 words.